The two bedroom, two bathroom home at 3630 Harlan St., Wheat Ridge was sold on Dec. 23, 2020 by Aaron K. Forgy for $475,000. The buyer was Alec Monasterio.
On Dec. 23, 2020, Daniel Partain and Andrea Fryrear sold their four bedroom, three bathroom home at 6481 Independence Way, Arvada to Antonio and Kelly Hernandez for $520,000.
On Dec. 22, 2020, Laura D. Goldhamer purchased a three bedroom, one bathroom home at 3655 Benton St., Wheat Ridge from Elizabeth M. and Nicholas S. Forster for $489,000.
The three bedroom, two bathroom home at 6360 Iris Way, Arvada was sold on Dec. 21, 2020 by Wendell B Fitzgerald Jr. and Nancy G. Fitzerald for $440,000. The buyers were Cooper Davis Smith and Ciara Ann Mulvaney.